
Configuration Setting Related With Session

session.auto_start: By using this config setting file we can start the sessions when the request is started.

session.save_handler: To specify the handler where you want to store the sessions we can store sessions either in files or in database.

session.save_path: To specify the path where you want to store sessions by default sessions will store in temporary memory location of server.

session.use_cookies: Whether to use cookies or not to store sessions.

session.name: By using this configuration setting we can change the name of the cookie what we are using to store session data, the default cookie name is ‘PHPSESSID’

session.cookie_lifetime: By using this configuration setting we can increase or decrease the life time of the cookie the default value is ‘0’. That’s why it creates in memory cookie.

<meta http_equiv=”refresh” content=”0″;
<no script>
<meta http_equiv=”refresh” content=”0″; url= error.html”>
</no script>

secession_maxlifetime: By this configuration setting we can increase or decrease garbage collection time for sessions. Garbage collector is a tool used to check unrefreshed objects and destroy them based on time intervals what we are providing.

$_SERVER: By using a Super Global variable we can get the information of web server.

$_SERVER [SERVER_Software]: By using this element we can get software information of web server.

$_SERVER [SERVER_NAME]:(local host) To get the name of web server.

$_SERVER [SERVER_ADDR]: To get the IP address of web server.

$_SERVER [SERVER_PORT]: To get the code number of server.

$_SERVER [DOCUMENT_ROOT]: To get the root directory of server.

$_SERVER [SERVER_ADMIN]: Server name along with administrator name.

$_SERVER [script_Filename]: To get the script name with complete path.

$_SERVER [REMOTE_PORT]: To get the code number of browser

$SERVER [REQUEST_METHOD]: (post) To get the name of method what we all using to transfer request.

$_SERVER[QUERY_STRING]: (scott) To get the Query string which doesn’t contains name.

$_SERVER [REQUEST_URI]: (pro.php/scott) To get the name of current script along with query string.

$_SERVER [Script_NAME],$_SERVER [PHP_SELF]: (pro.php) To get the name of the current script.

$_SERVER [REQUEST_TIME]: To get the last request, date and time information as Time Stamp value.

$_SERVER [ARGV]: (Array) To get the value of arguments.

$_SERVER [ARGC]: To get the total number of arguments.

$_ENV: By using this variable we can get the enlignment variables of operating system.

ini_get: By using this we can get the value of configuration setting.

ini_set: We change the value of a configuration setting.
echo ini_get(“session.auto_start”);
echo ini_get(“session.auto_start”);

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