Basic Linux

Creating and Modifying Groups

Group is a collection of user to whom the same permissions are to be applied.
There are two types of groups  

Red Hat Linux uses a User Private Group (UPG) Scheme.
When a user is created a group with the same name as the username is also created.  This becomes the primary group for that user.  A user can have only one primary group.

Content of /etc/group

  • The information of each group created is stored in a separate line in the file /etc/group.
  • Each record has four fields separated by : as given:-

Content of /etc/gshadow

  • This file contains the encrypted group password.
  • Passwords are encrypted using MD5 (Message Digest Version 5) Algorithm

Creating a Group:

[root@webnoidschools ~]#  groupadd  <group name>
[root@comp1 ~]#  groupadd  <options>  <arguments>  <grpname>

-g  GID
-o  Override

Modifying a Group

root@comp1 ~]#  groupmod  <option>  <arguments>  <grpname>

-g  GID
-o  Override
-n  Group name

Deleting a Group:

[root@comp1 ~]#  groupdel  <group name>

Note:  A group cannot be deleted if it has primary members.

Group Membership:

[root@comp1 ~]#  gpasswd  <option>  <arguments>  <grpname>

-M  Add multiple users to the group
-A  Adds a group administrator
-a  Add a user to the group
-d  Delete a user from the group

Managing Groups Using (GUI)

[root@comp1 ~]#  system-config-users  &

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