Basic Linux

Types Of Editors


Editors are used for adding, modifying and / or deleting  text.
The types of different editors used are:

  1. Windows:
  2. DOS:
  3. Linux/Unix
    CLI based  : ex , ed , vi or vim, etc.
    GUI based  : Emacs, Gedit, nedit, nano, and pico, etc.


  • VI editor is a screen-oriented text editor written by Bill Joy in 1976.
  • This is the most commonly used editor for editing files in Linux.

VI Editor Mode:
VI editor has three modes of operations.

  • Command Mode
  • Insert Mode
  • Ex Mode (Extended Command Mode)

To go Insert Mode from Command Mode

iInserts the text at the current cursor position
lInserts the text in beginning of a line
aAdds the text after the current cursor position
AAdds the text at the end of a line
oInserts the text one line below current cursor position
OInserts the text one line above current cursor position

Ex mode:

:qQuit without saving
:q!Quit forcefully without saving
:wWrite (save)
:wqSave and quit
:wq! (or) : xSave and quit forcefully
:se nu (or) :set nuSets line numbers
:se nonu (or) :set nonuRemoves line numbers
:nJumps to line n
:! (UNIX command) Eg: :! pwdTo execute UNIX commands
: XTo give password to the file and remove password
:/string/To search a word in the file
:84The cursor goes to line 84
%s/old name/new nameReplace the particular keyword in first line
%s/old name/new name/gReplace all matching keywords in all the lines
%s/old name/new name/giTo ignore case sensitive
%s/old name/new name/gcAsk for confirmation

Command Mode:

emoves to the end of the word
bMoves to beginning of the word
$Moves to the end of the line
^Moves to the beginning of the line
HMoves to the first line onscreen
Mmoves to the middle of the onscreen
LMoves to the last line onscreen
dd Deletes a line
nddDeletes ‘n’ lines
yyCopies a line
nyyCopies ‘n’ lines
pPaste below the cursor line
PPaste above the cursor line
uUndo (you can undo 1000 times)
gggo to beginning of the file
GMoves the cursor to the last line of the file  
/<word to find>Finds a word (press n for next)
nFind next occurrence of search word
NFind previous occurrence of search word
.Repeat last command action

VI Editor:
To create file

[root@webnoidschools ~]# vi  <filename> 

To create  multiple file

[root@webnoidschools ~]# vi m –o <filename1>  <filename2> 

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