
Files in PHP

$_FILE: By using this super global variable we can get the information of uploaded files. It is two dimensional array variable contains five elements. Each element’s first dimension is name [ … ]

Query String

Query string is a small amount of data and URL address followed by “?” symbol along with form data if you want to transfer some extra information from browser to [ … ]


This concept is used to include a PHP script in another PHP script the available functions are., 1. include 2. include_once 3. required 4. required_once If we include the external [ … ]

Types of Errors In PHP

In php there are 4 different types of errors. 1. Notice 2. Warning 3. Fatal Error 4. Parse Error Notice: Notice is small information to the end user do not [ … ]

Slashes in PHP

addslashes: To add black slashes infront of single and double quotations. stripslashes: This is used to remove the back slashes infront of single and double quotations. <?php $str=”wel’come”; $str1=$str; echo addslashes($str1); [ … ]

Strings in PHP

strlen(): This function is used to get the length of string.<?php$str=”Welcome”echo strlen($str);?>Output: 7 ucwords:  This function is used to convert the first characters of all words in a string into uppercase .<?php$str=”welcome [ … ]

Date and Time Functions of PHP

By these functions we get the current dates time information as time stamp. It returns output in the form of times stamp value. Times Stamp: It returns total number of seconds [ … ]


Array is collection of heterogeneous element PHP is loosely typed language so we can store heterogeneous elements is array. The main difference between the normal variable and the array variable [ … ]