Runlevels are an important part of Linux operating system.If the administrator Understands runlevels concept clearly,It will be another layer of control and flexibility over the servers for them. Whenever the [ … ]
Category: Basic Linux
Basic Commands In Linux
Command Description # root user prompt $ user working prompt $logname Displays current user name $pwd Present working directory $date Display current date & time $cal Display current month calendar [ … ]
Types Of Editors
Editors: Editors are used for adding, modifying and / or deleting text.The types of different editors used are: Windows: notepad DOS: edit Linux/Unix CLI based : ex , ed , [ … ]
In any operating system, it is possible to create jobs that you want to reoccur. this process known as job scheduling, is usually done based on user-defined jobs. As an [ … ]
String Processing Commands
Regular Expressions or Regex (Grep): Globally research a regular expression and print.To search a string or regular expression in a file(s)Syntax: grep [options] PATTERN FILE(S) grep [options] [ … ]
Filter Commands
cut: It divides a string or output.syntax: cut [option] Filename option:-d specifies a delimiter-f Displays a particular-c Displays a character Displays the third field of the text using space as [ … ]
Types of Compressions
Tar : Tar can be used to archive a group of files or folder Options Description c create a archive t display files on archive (to view only) x extract [ … ]
Folder Permissions(ACL)
TO APPLY THE ACL PERMISSIONcat > solarisls ( to check the file )setfacl -m u:a1:rw solarisTO CHECK THE ACL PERMISSION FOR FILE ll solaris TO CHECK ACL USERS WITH PERMISSION [ … ]
File Permissions
File and Directory Attributes: Unix/Linux files have 8 attributes that can be seen with ls –ld [root@comp1 ~]# ls -ld reports Access Levels: Access Mode: Access Modes: Absolute Mode Symbolic [ … ]
Creating and Modifying Groups
Group:Group is a collection of user to whom the same permissions are to be applied. There are two types of groups Primary Secondary. Red Hat Linux uses a User Private [ … ]