
Category: Real Time Concepts


To copy from one server to other server with incremental based we can go with rsync as shown below. rsync -avz username@IP:/var/www/html/Foldername/*   2019bkp/  &

Manual Log Rotation

Info: With the -f, –force option the logrotate will force the rotation of files even if they do not meet the specified criteria such as minsize, age, etc. logrotate –force [ … ]


logrotate -d /etc/logrotate.d/apache2.conf(to log rotate manually) OR cd /etc/logrotate.d logrotate –force kannelnum (Manual Logrotate) cat /etc/logrotate.d/kannel801 ——————————- /var/log/kannel/kannellog/access45.log {hourly missingok rotate 7 compress delaycompress #notifempty create 640 root root sharedscripts [ … ]

How To Do Log Rotation

/etc/logrotate.d/apache2.conf /var/log/apache2/* { weekly rotate 3 size 10M compress delaycompress } The first line indicates that the directives inside the block apply to all logs inside /var/log/apache2: weekly means that [ … ]