Bold Tag: This tag is used to display the text in bold. Syntax: <b> Bold </b>
Italic Tag: This tag is to display the text in italic form. Syntax: <i> Italic </i>
Underline Tag: This tag is to underline the text. Syntax: <u> underline </u>
Strike Tag: This tag is display text in strike through style. Syntax: <strike> Strike </strike>
Big font Tag: This tag is to display the text slightly bigger than the current font. Syntax: <big> Big Font </big>
Small Font Tag: This tag is to display the text slightly smaller than the current font. Syntax: <small> Small Font </small>
Sub Script Tag: This tag is used to display the text as a subscript to another text. Syntax: <sub> Sub Script </sub>
Super Script Tag: This tag is used to display the text as a super script to another text. Syntax: <sup> Super Script </sup>
Emphasizing Italics: This tag is used to emphasis the text by displaying it in italics. Syntax: <em> Italics </em>
Emphasizing Bold: This tag is used to emphasis the text by displaying it in Bold Syntax: <strong> Bold </strong>
Line Break Tag: This tag is used to display the text in the new line. It is used to break a particular line and starts displaying the content in a new line. Syntax: <br> Note: the break tag is an empty tag.
No Line Break Tag: This tag is used not to break the sentence . Syntax: <nobr> No Break </nobr>
Paragraph: This tag is used to define a paragraph to be displayed in the html document and it adds space before the paragraph. Syntax: <p> Paragraph </p> Paragraph Tag Attribute: Align: This tag is used to set the alignment of the text in the paragraph. By default a paragraph is align ti left of the web page, we can change the alignment with the help of align attribute. Example: <p align = “center” > This is a paragraph </p>
Center: This tag is used to display the text in the center of the web page. Syntax: <center> Centered Text </center>
Columns Tag: This tag is used break the text into columns. Syntax: <multicol> Column </multicol>
Deleted Text Tag: This tag is used to delete the by striking it out. Syntax: <del> Strike </del>
Blinking Text Tag: This tag is to display the text as blinking it ON and OFF approximately one a second. Syntax: <blink> Blinking Text </blink>