Output functions are used to display text on web page. The different types of output functions are given below.
- print: This function is used to display the output on the browser and return value as true if output is printed successfully or it returns false.
$rv=print “Webnoid”;
print $rv;
?> - Echo: This function is same as print function but it doesn’t return any value. So it perform faster than print function. We can also print multiple statements with single echo function.
echo “Webnoid”, “Schools”;
?> - var_dump: This function is used to display value of variables along with data type.
$uname= “Webnoid”;
?> - printf: This function is used to display the value along with format specifier.
printf(“%d”, $sno);
printf(“%s”, $uname);
?> - print_r: This function is used to display all elements of array variable and properties of object
- isset: This function is used to check whether the variable is set with any value or not
$no =100;
echo isset($no);
?> - unset: This function is used to delete the value of the variable.
echo isset($no);