If the ipconfig is not working, then it is due to path variable missing in your computer.
Follow the below steps to fix the issue.
- In windows search bar, Search with keyword Environment variables you can find “Edit the system Environment variables”,Click on it and then one popup window will open, In that Click on ‘Environmental Variables’ at the bottom of the screen. Check for ‘Path’ in the list and edit that and add below line .
or - Open the Start-Menu Right click on ‘Computer’ and click ‘Properties’ and Click ‘Advanced System Settings’ on the left hand side then Click ‘Environmental Variables’ at the bottom of the screen and Check for Path in the list.
a) Click on Edit and go to the end of the text box and enter the the following command ;%systemroot%\system32
b)Or else click on “new” button In the next window, and enter the variable name as Path and Enter the variable path as ;%systemroot%\system32.
Click on ok button and close the windows.
Now open the new command prompt and check with command ipconfig.