
History of Java

Java was developed in early 90’s by James Gosling. The team called Green Team initiated this project to developed a language for electronic appliances such as set-top boxes, televisions etc. [ … ]

Two Dimensional Array

Two dimensional array is used to store the data in the matrix form. Syntax: datatype arrayname[row_size][column_size]; Declaration of Two Dimensional Array: Example: int matrix[3][2]; The above declaration is a two [ … ]

One Dimensional Array

Is the basic form of array in which list of elements are stored in single variable and is accessed using only one subscript.Syntax:datatype arrayname[size]; Declaration of One Dimensional Array:“Array can [ … ]

Reserved Words

In Java some identifiers are reserved to associate some functionalities. Such reserved identifiers are called reserved words. There are 57 Reserved words and they are divided into 2 parts:1. Keywords2. [ … ]