Waterfall model is traditional model and it is not so suitable in this fast moving world. In waterfall model, the following phases are followed in order: System and software requirements: [ … ]
IP Config is not recognized as an internal or external command
If the ipconfig is not working, then it is due to path variable missing in your computer. Follow the below steps to fix the issue. In windows search bar, Search [ … ]
Brief description about GIT 1) git config –global user.name Ameer 2) git config –global user.email Ameer@webnoid.com 3) git config –global core.editor vim 4) git config –global alias.st status (or) git [ … ]
Types of Version Controls
cvs (concurrent versions system): SVN (subversion) GIT Mercurial Bazaar
Types of Tags in HTML
<HTML> Tag: This tag is to create the web page . The <html> tag should always be in the first line and </html> in the last line of code in the [ … ]
HTML Tables
This tag is used to display the data in tabular format. A table is combination of rows. Each row is combination of cells (columns). Each row can contain different no [ … ]