Bitwise Operators are only applicable for int and boolean data type. If we try to apply for any other type then we will get error.
The Bitwise Operator are &, |, ^, ~,<<,>>
print (4&5) ==> valid
print(5.5 & 5.5) ==> TypeError: unsupported operand types for &: ‘float’ and ‘float’
print(True & True) ==> valid
& ==> If both bits are 1 then the result is 1 or else result is 0
| ==> If atleast one bit is 1 then the result is 1 or else result is 0
^ ==> If bits are different then the result is 1 or else 0
~ ==> bitwise complement operator
i.e., the result will be complement
1==>0 and 0==>1