
Category: Devops

DevOps Lifecycle

DevOps Lifecycle includes Development and Operations team working together. As Developers work on their agile iterations, Ops must work in setting up systems and automating the procedure of deployment. Automation [ … ]

The Problem

After following the procedural document and having their own risk and knowledge operations will deploy it to production. This is where the problem comes in the deployment may fail, failing [ … ]

Agile Model

Agile model developed software in small iterations instead of developing entire software at once. Entire products feature list is divided into multiple list of features.  For example, if there are [ … ]

Waterfall Model

Waterfall model is traditional model and it is not so suitable in this fast moving world. In waterfall model, the following phases are followed in order: System and software requirements: [ … ]


Brief description about GIT 1) git config –global user.name  Ameer 2) git config –global user.email Ameer@webnoid.com 3) git config –global core.editor vim 4) git config –global alias.st status (or) git [ … ]